Please call (801.364.2400) or text (801.364.2401) to reserve your preferred appointment time and to discuss any questions or special needs that you may have - the staff at The Kura Door will do all that we can to accommodate your needs and ensure that you have an unforgettable experience.
You may cancel your appointment without charge anytime before 24 hours preceding your appointment. Same day cancellations will be charged 50% of the scheduled service price. If you do not call to cancel your appointment or do not show up for your scheduled appointment, you will be charged 100% for the scheduled service price.
We recommend that you arrive 10 minutes before your appointment to allow for a stress free check in and time to unwind. Late arrival will decrease your appointment time. Please turn off your mobile phone to ensure your relaxation as well as that of others. Once you have changed into your cozy spa kimono and sandals you will be invited to visit the sauna to relax and enjoy fragrant teas or purified water in the Japanese tea room or meditation space before your treatments begin.